The World After Gaza: turning the Holocaust against Israel
Pankaj Mishra's polemic features what may be the most shameful minimisation of 7 October committed to print.
Woke anti-Semitism. The form of anti-Semitism that portrays Jews as benefitting from white privilege. Most prevalent in America but in the process of spreading more widely. Related to critical race theory.
Pankaj Mishra's polemic features what may be the most shameful minimisation of 7 October committed to print.
A new report fails to grapple with what distinguishes anti-Semitism from other forms of racial thinking
The idea of Israel as the central malevolent force in the world is at the core of woke anti-Semitism
On reflection the notion of "Islamophobia" is even more flawed than I assumed last year
A minority of anti-Zionist Jews are being used to shield Hamas apologists from criticism.