Quarterly Review of Anti-Semitism July 2024
The Quarterly Review is available to those who financially support the Radicalism of fools project
I am responsible for the Radicalism of Fools site. My current focus is anti-Semitism but I have specialised in several different topics as a journalist. Email me at daniel@radicalismoffools.com
The Quarterly Review is available to those who financially support the Radicalism of fools project
Israel is more than justified in targeting this warmongering Hamas leader
The concept of the "new anti-Semitism" cannot explain the visceral upsurge in Jew hatred since last October
If anything the widely quoted statistics on the number of anti-Semitic incidents probably underestimate the scale of the problem
The idea of Israel as the central malevolent force in the world is at the core of woke anti-Semitism